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Fork/join package

fork/join package is a parallel processing framework. It handles much of the plumbing required to distribute a data processing tasks across multiple actors.

fork_join is used by creating a Job and then sending a start message to begin processing.

use fj = "fork_join"
use "runtime_info"

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let job = fj.Job[USize, String](


Job takes 3 classes that are implemented by library users to implement functionality and in turn, the fork_join library orchestrates the interactions amongst the user supplied classes.

Job requires:

  • a WorkerBuilder
  • a Generator
  • a Collector

In addition to the 3 classes required to start a Job, users of fork_join will need to create 1 additional class; one that provides Worker. Additionally, a SchedulerInfoAuth auth is required to allow the library to pick an optimum amount of workers to create based on the number of Pony runtime scheduler threads available.

User supplied fork_join components

To create a fork_join job, users must provide an implementation for 4 different interfaces supplied by the fork_join library.


Worker instances are responsible for taking input data and an output that will be sent to a Collector instance for final tabulation.


A WorkerBuilder is a factory for creating instances of Worker. This component is used when setting up a job. After that, only the other 3 classes are used during processing runtime.


A Generator creates data on demand which will be sent to various Worker instances where the data will be processed.


A Collector is the final step in the processing pipeline. The Collector instance receives incremental results from Worker instances and creates a running tabulation.

When the job is finished, a finish message will be sent to the collector so it can take whatever steps are required to communicate the final calculation to the rest of the program or user.

Example usage

A variety of example application are available in the examples folder in the fork_join repository on GitHub.

Below is a simple example program with a generator that creates random numbers, workers that pass the numbers through without any procesing, and a collector that stores the numbers in an array until the job is finished. At this point the collector will print the collected numbers to standard output.

The job finishes when the generator indicates that it is out of data by triggering an error if the random number it generates is evenly divisible by 1000.

use fj = "fork_join"
use "random"
use "runtime_info"

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let job = fj.Job[USize, String](

class WorkerBuilder is fj.WorkerBuilder[USize, String]
  fun ref apply(): fj.Worker[USize, String] iso^ =>

class Generator is fj.Generator[USize]
  let _rand: Rand = _rand.create()

  fun ref init(workers: USize) =>

  fun ref apply(): USize ? =>
    let x =
    if (x % 1000) == 0 then

class StringCollector is fj.Collector[USize, String]
  let _strings: Array[String] = _strings.create()
  let _out: OutStream

  new iso create(out: OutStream) =>
    _out = out

  fun ref collect(runner: fj.CollectorRunner[USize, String] ref,
    result: String)

  fun ref finish() =>
    for s in _strings.values() do

class USizeToString is fj.Worker[USize, String]
  var _usize: USize = 0

  fun ref receive(work_set: USize) =>
    _usize = work_set

  fun ref process(runner: fj.WorkerRunner[USize, String] ref) =>

Job lifecycle

Once a Job is created, nothing will happen until it is sent a start message. Once the job has started, it will run until the data generator runs out of data (or never if the generator can create an infinite supply of data).

A job can be ended early by:

  • Sending a terminate message to the Job instance
  • Calling terminate from the collect method of the Collector

Public Types