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Worker[Input: Any #send, Output: Any #send]


Worker instances are responsible for taking input data and an output that will be sent to a Collector instance for final tabulation.

interface ref Worker[Input: Any #send, Output: Any #send]

Public Functions



Called when new data arrives that will need to be worked on. When data arrives via receive, it should be stored for future processing.

fun ref receive(
  work_set: Input)
: None val


  • work_set: Input




Called to get the Worker to do work. Long running workers can give control of the CPU back by calling yield on runner. process will then be called again at some point in the future to start the worker back up.

When the worker has a value to send back to the coordinator, it should call deliver on runner.

fun ref process(
  runner: WorkerRunner[Input, Output] ref)
: None val

