class val Env
An environment holds the command line and other values injected into the
program by default by the runtime.
let root: (AmbientAuth | None)
The root capability.
Can be `None` for artificially constructed `Env` instances.
let input: InputStream
Stdin represented as an actor.
let out: OutStream
let err: OutStream
let args: Array[String] val
"""The command line used to start the program."""
let vars: Array[String] val
"""The program's environment variables."""
let exitcode: {(I32)} val
Sets the environment's exit code. The exit code of the root environment will
be the exit code of the application, which defaults to 0.
new _create(
argc: U32,
argv: Pointer[Pointer[U8]] val,
envp: Pointer[Pointer[U8]] val)
Builds an environment from the command line. This is done before the Main
actor is created.
root = AmbientAuth._create()
input = Stdin._create(@pony_os_stdin_setup[Bool]())
out = StdStream._out()
err = StdStream._err()
args = _strings_from_pointers(argv, argc.usize())
vars = _strings_from_pointers(envp, _count_strings(envp))
exitcode = {(code: I32) => @pony_exitcode[None](code) }
new val create(
root': (AmbientAuth | None),
input': InputStream, out': OutStream,
err': OutStream, args': Array[String] val,
vars': Array[String] val,
exitcode': {(I32)} val)
Build an artificial environment. A root capability may be supplied.
root = root'
input = input'
out = out'
err = err'
args = args'
vars = vars'
exitcode = exitcode'
fun tag _count_strings(data: Pointer[Pointer[U8]] val): USize =>
if data.is_null() then
return 0
var i: USize = 0
let entry = data._apply(i)
not entry.is_null()
i = i + 1
fun tag _strings_from_pointers(
data: Pointer[Pointer[U8]] val,
len: USize)
: Array[String] iso^
let array = recover Array[String](len) end
var i: USize = 0
while i < len do
let entry = data._apply(i = i + 1)
array.push(recover String.copy_cstring(entry) end)