class XorOshiro128Plus is Random
This is an implementation of xoroshiro128+, as detailed at:
This is currently the default Rand implementation.
// state
var _x: U64
var _y: U64
new from_u64(x: U64 = 5489) =>
Use seed x to seed a [SplitMix64](random-SplitMix64.md) and use this to
initialize the 128 bits of state.
let sm = SplitMix64(x)
_x = sm.next()
_y = sm.next()
new create(x: U64 = 5489, y: U64 = 0) =>
Create with the specified seed. Returned values are deterministic for a
given seed.
_x = x
_y = y
fun ref next(): U64 =>
A random integer in [0, 2^64)
let x = _x
var y = _y
let r = x + y
y = x xor y
_x = x.rotl(24) xor y xor (y << 16)
_y = y.rotl(37)
class XorOshiro128StarStar is Random
This is an implementation of xoroshiro128**, as detailed at:
This Rand implementation is slightly slower than [XorOshiro128Plus](random-XorOshiro128Plus.md)
but does not exhibit "mild dependencies in Hamming weights" (the lower four bits might fail linearity tests).
var _x: U64
var _y: U64
new from_u64(x: U64 = 5489) =>
Use seed x to seed a [SplitMix64](random-SplitMix64.md) and use this to
initialize the 128 bits of state.
let sm = SplitMix64(x)
_x = sm.next()
_y = sm.next()
new create(x: U64 = 5489, y: U64 = 0) =>
_x = x
_y = y
fun ref next(): U64 =>
let x = _x
var y = _y
let r = (x * 5).rotl(7) * 9
y = x xor y
_x = x.rotl(24) xor y xor (y << 16)
_y = y.rotl(37)