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Holds the components of a URL. These are always stored as valid, URL-encoded values.

class val URL




Create an empty URL.

new val create()
: URL val^




Parse the URL string into its components. If it isn't URL encoded, encode it. If existing URL encoding is invalid, raise an error.

new val build(
  from: String val,
  percent_encoded: Bool val = true)
: URL val^ ?


  • from: String val
  • percent_encoded: Bool val = true




Parse the URL string into its components. If it isn't URL encoded, raise an error.

new val valid(
  from: String val)
: URL val^ ?



Public fields

var scheme: String val


URL scheme.

If the given URL does not provide a scheme, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

var user: String val


URL user as part of the URLs authority component:

authority = [ user [ ":" password ] "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

If the URL does not provide user information, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

var password: String val


URL password as part of the URLs authority component:

authority = [ user [ ":" password ] "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

If the URL does not provide a password, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

var host: String val


URL host as part of the URLs authority component:

authority = [ user [ ":" password ] "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

If the URL does not provide a host, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

var port: U16 val


URL port as part of the URLs authority component:

authority = [ user [ ":" password ] "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

If the URL does not provide a port, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

var path: String val


URL path component.

If the URL does not provide a path component, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

var query: String val


URL query component.

If the URL does not provide a query component, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

var fragment: String val


Url fragment identifier component.

If the URL does not provide a fragment identifier component, this will be the empty string.

See also RFC 3986.

Public Functions



Return true if all elements are correctly URL encoded.

fun box is_valid()
: Bool val




Combine the components into a string.

fun box string()
: String iso^




Using this as a base URL, concatenate with another, possibly relative, URL in the same way a browser does for a link.

fun val join(
  that: URL val)
: URL val


  • that: URL val




Report the default port for our scheme. Returns 0 for unrecognised schemes.

fun box default_port()
: U16 val
